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Sunday Verses

God's Word, inspiring verse, truth, bible verse, give us the day, daily bread, http://bec4-beyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com/2016/06/sunday-verses.html
Happy Sunday! I like to think of myself as a pretty independent woman. I enjoy doing things on my own such as killing spiders or building with power tools. Independence can be a good and powerful thing. But, in our relationship with Jesus, we are to be the opposite--dependent. There is a reason God gave the Israelites only enough manna (food) for a day--he wanted trust and dependence. God didn't ask us to pray, "Give us enough bread for the month or the year", but rather He wants us to pray daily for the things we need. I know when life is going well, I get a little independent in my walk with Jesus and forget to rely on Him. That independence moves me away from Him. God wants DAILY relationship, DAILY trust, DAILY belief. One day at a time with God is all I need...

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