A hubby who will find free old fencing on Craigslist, hurry to its location to grab it before it is all gone, haul home 5 sections and take them all apart is a good hubby!
And I am thankful every day to be married to a good man who supports what I do.
Old cedar fencing makes the best signs and small items like these fun "frames".
I ran four pieces through the planer (at first I typed blender?!) because it is quicker and less dusty than sanding. I painted each board a different color-- light yellow, minty aqua, bright green, and turquoise.
I then cut twelve 12" pieces and joined them together with small boards on the back to make four frame boards that measure 12" x 16".

For the other two frames (I'm only showing one of each), I used plumbers tape actoss the corners, again using the cardstock as my guide.
These would be beautiful unpainted as well with a gorgeous colored photo. i like the black and whites with the colored wood frames.
They are quick and easy and can be made any size.