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What is half a sawbuck called

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What is half a sawbuck called

United states dollar - wikipedia, The united states dollar (sign: $; code: usd; also abbreviated us$ and referred to as the dollar, u.s. dollar, or american dollar) is the official currency of the.
End times report: drying and storing firewood, Drying and storing firewood. drying firewood. wood for burning in a wood stove must be "dry" to.
Buck - definition of buck by the free dictionary, Buck 1 (bŭk) n. 1. a. a male deer. b. the male of various other mammals, such as antelopes, kangaroos, mice, or rabbits. c. antelope considered as a group: a herd of.

Five families of new york city: buffalo mob may be dead, As recently as 2006, the federal government decided to revise the chart purporting to show the alleged hierarchy of the buffalo mob, known variously as the magaddino.
Old fashioned words - suzanne woods fisher, Old fashion words/phrases; gadzooks lickety split when pigs fly! it takes two to tango! the cat's meow! dress to the nines! everythings hunky dory! she's a peach!.
Wellington laboratories standards for environmental, Wellington laboratories inc. offers a variety of native and mass-labelled reference standards for legacy environmental contaminants such as polychlorinated dibenzo-p.

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