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Copper Crush

I have a copper crush...
copper paint, copper decor, moscow mule. lamp, https://goo.gl/74Pu6T
and I must admit, it has been going on for awhile. It is warm, but not brash and boastful, hip, but subtle.

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I have some projects coming up with copper paint...
copper paint, fusion mineral paint, https://goo.gl/74Pu6T
In the meantime, check out some of the copper things I am crushin' on:

This copper star would look divine hanging outside on my white house for the holidays.
copper star, https://goo.gl/74Pu6T
This is a pencil holder, but I would put a small, pillar candle in it. 
Did you know that copper contact paper exists?  I will be needing some of this! Think of the plain, cardboard boxes you could dress up?
This copper mercury glass lamp is lovely.  I mean it is mercury glass, enough said, right? But, mercury in copper--swoon!
And, of course, no copper loving home would be complete without a set of copper mugs for the occasional Moscow Mule.
My copper love is not limited to home decor--these earrings are on my Christmas list.

Photos courtesy of Amazon.
This guide contains suggested ideas, featuring products I love. I have not tried all of these specific items. Please check out reviews for these products to make your best decision.

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