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Drafting Desk and Table

Hello, here I am--fresh and relaxed after 8 days of vacation.  Okay, after 3000 miles maybe not so fresh, but relaxed.

While we were gone, my older college aged son house and dog sat for us.  He is an architecture student and he decided for his second year (starting soon) that he needed a drafting table/desk, so he built one.
drafting table, industrial, desk, build it, reclaimed wood, printers tray, http://goo.gl/mtjRjv

He did send me pictures while we were away, asking if he could use certain things.  He started with a piece of glass we had and a printer's tray that was given to me. 
desk, drafting table, DIY, printers tray, industrial, rustic, light table, http://goo.gl/mtjRjv
He wanted an industrial look so he added metal pipe legs.  He included some cross wood pieces to make the base sturdy.
industrial, desk, drafting table, metal pipes, reclaimed wood, http://goo.gl/mtjRjv
An old drawer guide was added to the printers tray so that it can be used as a drawer.
desk, printer's tray, drawer, rustic, industrial, http://goo.gl/mtjRjv
The top is hinged and can be propped up for drafting.  
light table, drafting table, desk, industrial, printers tray, http://goo.gl/mtjRjv
He plans to buy some LED lights and he has a place for them so that it can be a light table. 
drafting table, desk, industrial, printers tray, pipe, light table, http://goo.gl/mtjRjv
I am a proud mama--he designed a great desk that fits his needs and it is not only functional, but beautiful as well. 
drafting desk, light table, printers tray, industrial, rustic, metal pipe, http://goo.gl/mtjRjv
