Nice Expression sawbuck
Sawing - definition of sawing by the free dictionary, The orchestra kept sawing away at the `traviata' music, so joyous and sad, so thin and far-away, so clap-trap and yet so heart-breaking..
Dollar - dizionario inglese-italiano wordreference, Compound forms/forme composte: english: italiano: the almighty dollar n noun: refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. figurative (money) vil denaro nm.
Saw - definition of saw by the free dictionary, Saw1 top to bottom: compass saw, backsaw, and crosscut saw saw 1 (sô) n. any of various tools, either hand-operated or power-driven, having a thin metal blade or.
Casino games terms, online games glossary & slots info, Casino games terms glossary at gamerisms defines casino games terms, lingo and jargon plus online games glossary and online slots info by gamerisms.
50 slang terms for money - daily writing tips, 24 responses to “50 slang terms for money” david nicholls on october 27, 2012 10:14 am. missing: from england: swag, dosh, lolley from australia: brick a $20 note.
Dollar 的中文翻譯 英漢字典 -, Dollar 美元,美金,美鈔 dollar /d'ɑlɚ/ /d'ɔlɚ/ 共發現 9 筆關於 [dollar] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢).
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