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Sunday Verses

God leading us, bible verse, truth, inspirational quote, hiking, the right path, http://bec4-beyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com/2016/05/sunday-verses_11.html
Happy Sunday!  I love to hike, it is my favorite form of exercise.  Each spring when the snow starts to melt from the trails I get excited to get out there and climb those Montana mountains.  But, during the first hikes of the season I am always challenged to keep going (after a winter of too much sitting and too many carbs), and I usually need a little reminding as to which path to the top we like to take.  Thankfully, I hike with my husband and/or kids and they encourage me and guide me along the way.  It is the same with God and his Word.  If we are willing to listen, to stop and pause He will tell us the best way to go.  Hearing from God and choosing the best way becomes easier when we spend time reading the Bible, when we talk to Jesus in prayer, and we stop to really listen and not just forge ahead going our own way because it is what we want. Pause and listen to that still small voice of God and trust that He will lead you. 
