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Repurposing the Little Junk

Yeah  I do, and I love using the bits and pieces to make memo boards and coat hooks like these:
repurposed, junk, message board, memo board, coat hook, http://bec4-beyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com/2016/03/repurposing-little-junk.html

message board, junk, repurposed, organization, http://bec4-beyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com/2016/03/repurposing-little-junk.html
repurposed junk, message board, vintage game board, http://bec4-beyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com/2016/03/repurposing-little-junk.html
repurposed, message board, junk, http://bec4-beyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com/2016/03/repurposing-little-junk.html
junk, message board, repurposed, http://bec4-beyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com/2016/03/repurposing-little-junk.html
repurposed, junk, message board, http://bec4-beyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com/2016/03/repurposing-little-junk.html
repurposed junk, message boards, organization, coat hook, http://bec4-beyondthepicketfence.blogspot.com/2016/03/repurposing-little-junk.html
So here is a challenge for my junkin' friends out there. Dig through your stash, yes, I know you have quite the stash!  Find some small pieces of junk and repurpose it and let me know if you take the challenge!