When the antique place where I have a booth decided to rent out the front display area a month at a time for a low fee, I didn't need to be smarter than the average bear to say, "Yes, please!" I chose June because it is always a BIG sales month (we are located on the route to West Yellowstone) and I decided on a picnic theme.
I had fun putting this together, collecting picnic baskets and other vintage goodies,
keeping the color scheme mainly red and yellow (inspired by this fun corn cob fabric I found at the thrifts tore and sewed together to make a table cloth).
I used a copyright free vintage picnic picture and using an engineers print, decoupaged it to old fence boards to create fun, picnic themed wall decor.
I cut a watermelon shaped piece from plywood and painted up a vintage inspired sign. It is not perfect--which I love because it looks like some farmer (or farmer's wife) made it for their roadside produce sign.
And of course the space needed a picnic area sign!
I had fun putting this together and I continue to add more to it as several items have sold already!
Time to build another kid's pallet picnic table...