If you have followed my blog at all, you might remember that each Christmas I like to share a candy cane holder idea. This stems from a childhood memory of a little cardboard Santa's boot that we hung by the door to hold candy canes for visitors.

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You can get the FREE Printable HERE. I provided four/per page so you can make candy cane jars for your friends too! But, this little printable would also make an adorable cover for a card or would be cute in a small frame. 
I then decoupaged it to a clean pickle jar I had, being careful to seal down the edges. When the glue was dry, I added more to the jar and the snow on the label and sprinkled glitter all over it.

I set the board on the wood and marked where I wanted to drill holes to hang the jar. I drilled fairly large holes because I used fat twine to secure the jar.

Linking up at Savvy Southern Style!
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