Do you ever buy something at a garage sale and then wonder why?
That is how it was with this patio set I picked up a couple years ago. I didn't look it over well enough and it had some issues I didn't see. It has a couple leaves that pop up that the previous owner said worked great, but they didn't and I was stupid and didn't test them. The table was pretty wobbly too. But, it was mine, so I decided to make it work.
We (hubby) figured out the leaves--we had to leave them permanently in place. He added some braces underneath and some 2x4's under the existing table apron to get rid of the wobble. I wish he would not have used ugly, treated 2x4's, but oh well, you barely see them.
On a whim (and because I wanted to be outside in the sunshine, but needed to be productive) I decided to paint it with some of my favorite Fusion Mineral Paint colors: Laurentien, Algonquin, Picket Fence, Upper Canada Green, and Sterling.
I used the same paint brush to paint it all, not cleaning it in between because this is how I roll. I covered most of the wood, but let a bit of it show to give it a beachy weathered appearance. This will also help as it weathers naturally.
I painted each chair one of the four colors.
I love this little battery operated lantern I picked up at Target. They are on sale right, less than $10.