So, when asked to make something for our local booster club I auction, I said yes (like I have many times before).
I decided I wanted to build a rustic bar, and then decide to use an old door for the front, and well...
the project evolved from there. (Please excuse messy workshop pictures. I finished this baby just in time for the auction and didn't have time to properly stage it. Plus, it was too heavy to carry anywhere other than the back of the pickup.)I didn't plan for it to be almost 6 feet long, 200+ pounds heavy. But it is, and I had an absolute blast building this rustic bar.I cut this windowless door in half to form the front. A standard bar height is 42". The door halves were 40" tall, and with the top added it makes the bar 42".Next step is making the sides. I used barnwood 2"x4" pices for the back "leg" of the bar. I used salvaged wood pieces, cut 18" long to crate the sides. I screw the top and bottom boards into the door pices and the 2"x4"s. I used the nail gun to attach the other side pieces.I joined the door halves together by using a small chunk of wood on the inside, with a long baseboard on the front and with the inside bottom shelf brackets..Next, cut and add bottom shelf pieces using a nail gun.I then made the wine rack for the bar. This probably took as long to make as the rest of the bar. Not because it was hard, but because I had never made one and because I started making it one way, and then changed my mind and did it another way. I will show you a separate tutorial for this tomorrow.I also added a 2"x6" in the middle of the bar and a 2"x4" brace perpendicular to the 2"x6"I added a second shelf on the other half without the wine rack.
Next, I secured a wood bracket on each bar side. This is for joining the top not only together, but also to the bar.
I included two hooks on the backside of the bar and a bottle opener.
I forgot to take pictures after this, but all that was left was adding the top, 3 big chunks of lovely reclaimed wood. There is a little overhang on the front, not a lot, but enough to make a great bar.
Wine glass holders were built, using the directions in my book Crafting With Wood Pallets and secured to the underside of the bar top.Several coats of clear finish completed this rustic. It went for a great price and to a good home.
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